In July 2021 a new penal provision on violation of a child's integrity, was introduced in the Swedish legal system. The penalty provision is found in Chapter 4 of the Penal Code. It entails a special criminal responsibility for a person who commits a criminal act against a person close to them, when the act is witnessed by a child. Children who witness domestic violence or other criminal acts between parents or persons close to them are a particular vulnerable group. These children often lack criminal law 1 protection. The new provision on violation of a child's integrity has mostly been well received. The child who witnessed the criminal act will now be a plaintiff with the right to his own special legal representative. There will be a chance that the new provision will strengthen the child's right under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This specifically concerns Article 12 the child's right to be heard. Even so there seems to be several difficulties with the provision in the law enforcement. This essay will explore some of these difficulties.