For a long time, the field of Practical Theology has seen an increasing interest in practices and the use of qualitative methods to study concrete practices in church and society. Earlier, the studies of liturgy often focused on liturgical texts. However, although an increasing num- ber of studies have explored concrete liturgical situations, relatively few have investigated pastors or priests as liturgical actors. Additionally, there is a clear deficit of theoretical tools for analysis in practice-oriented studies within Practical Theology
The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of pastors and priests as liturgical actors. The study also develops theoretical perspectives in dialogue with Michel de Certeau, Jonna Bornemark and Bruno Latour, and uses them for analysis of contemporary baptismal practices in the Uniting Church in Sweden and the Church of Sweden. Through the concepts strategy and tactic (de Certeau), discernment (Bornemark), and actor-network theory (Latour) the craftmanship of the liturgical actor is brought to the fore, thereby contribu- ting to a deepened and richer picture of the liturgical baptismal situation. The study shows how liturgists, through their use of liturgical books and church buildings, exercise a creative liturgical craftmanship in cooperation with other liturgical actors and through liturgical discernment. By an abductive method this study also contributes with the development of four theoretical perspectives that can be used to study other liturgical situations.
In order to access the concrete liturgical baptismal situation this study is based on a num- ber of participatory observations of baptisms as well as interviews with priest and pastors that have carried out these baptisms. The analysis shows at an in-depth level how these litur- gical craftsmen adapt, adjust, expand, restructure and widen the (strategically) given in the baptismal situation. Furthermore, different motives are investigated for this liturgical craft, as well as resources that contribute to the liturgist’s ability. Not the least, the result shows that pastors and priests in their everyday liturgical work carry out a theologically creative work with implications for several aspects of liturgical theology.
The study deals with themes such as (1) the relationship between subject and structure in liturgical situations, (2) practical knowledge as an important aspect of liturgical action, (3)a deepened understanding of liturgical change, (4) the liturgist’s significance for liturgy and liturgical theology (5), sociomaterial aspects of liturgy and (6) the development of theory in the field of practical theology.