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  • 1.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen.
    Av denna världen?: Emil Gustafson, moderniteten och den evangelikala väckelsen2012Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between evangelicalism and modernity with the Swedish holiness preacher Emil Gustafson (1862–1900) as a case. This is achieved by comparing Gustafson’s spirituality with Charles Taylor’s characterization of modernity. The investigation identifies five central themes in Gustafson’s spirituality: conversion, calling, suffering, sanctification, and spiritual experience. With regard to these themes paral-lels with modernity are noted. For example, the analysis shows that modern individualism influenced Gustafson’s view of conversion, and that instrumental rationality informed his evaluations of his own work as a preacher. But there are also instances where he distanced himself from modernity. He did not embrace a modern optimistic anthropology, or the view of suffering as purely negative. It is concluded that Gustafson is neither anti-modern, nor identical to Taylor’s depiction of modernity. He represents one kind of modernity. One that is theocentric rather than anthropo-centric. In order to uphold this theocentric character Gustafson’s opposition to the basic struc-ture of modernity had to be grounded in social practices. For instance, his negative anthropol-ogy was grounded in the revival-meeting where outsiders were called to repent and rely on God rather than themselves. Based on the results from this study it is suggested that evangelicalism should be inter-preted as neither in conflict with modernity, nor in continuity with it, but rather as a kind of modernity. There are multiple modernities, and evangelicalism is one of them.

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  • 2.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Biskop Lewi Pethrus: Biografi över ett ledarskap: Religion och mångfald i det svenska folkhemmet2017 (ed. 1)Book (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Bokens folk: En civilisationshistoria från papyrus till pixlar2023Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Att läsa, snabbt och långsamt, har varit vägen till kultur och bildning i Europa. Men det har aldrig bara handlat om vad som stått i böckerna, utan också om hur vi har läst dem.  

    Djupläsning och skumläsning har lagt grund för en hel civilisation: ett rikt inre liv, offentlighetens stora samtal och vetenskapliga framsteg. Men tryckkonsten har också skuggsidor: förtryck, folkmord och fake news. I den här boken möter vi nunnor och nazister, revolutionärer och recensenter, poeter och predikanter, arbetare och algoritmer, bibelläsare och byråkrater, tech-entusiaster och tidningsredaktörer. Alla med sina böcker och sina alldeles särskilda sätt att läsa.

    Bokens folk är en kulturhistorisk exposé om läsandets, skrivandets och böckernas betydelse. Den hjälper oss att förstå vilka vi är, och vad den digitala revolution som vi just nu genomlever egentligen betyder.

  • 4.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Bortom orden: Om bilder, symboler och framtidens frikyrklighet2014In: Läsarna i distraktionernas tid: Bibel, kyrka och den digitala revolutionen / [ed] Joel Halldorf, Stockholm: Teologiska högskolan Stockholm , 2014, p. 167-187Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 5.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    De frälsande ordens form: Skriftlig materialitet och kyrklig identitet under 2000 år2014In: Läsarna i distraktionernas tid: Bibel, kyrka och den digitala revolutionen / [ed] Joel Halldorf, Stockholm: Teologiska högskolan Stockholm , 2014, p. 13-56Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 6.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Den benediktinska arbetslinjen: Klostervisdom för det moderna arbetslivet2021In: Öppna vyer – lång sikt: Festskrift till Owe Kennerberg / [ed] Thomas Kazen och Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson, Stockholm: Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm , 2021Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 7.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Det demokratiska spelet: Släpp hönsen fria2022Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 8.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Exegetik, teologi och allegori2018In: Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, ISSN 0039-6761, Vol. 4, p. 207-228Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 9.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    "Förnyelse, förbistring, försoning" by Arne Olsson: Review of dissertation2019In: Årsbok för svenskt gudstjänstliv, ISSN 0280-9133, Vol. 94, p. 225-232Article, review/survey (Refereed)
  • 10.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Gud bor i själen och vi har ingen annan konung: Den entusiastiska väckelsen som demokratins vägröjare2023In: Ostädade väckelser: Modernitetens vägröjare / [ed] Joel Halldorf, Sune Fahlgren, Cecilia Wejryd, Erik Sidenvall, Göteborg: Makadam Förlag, 2023, p. 120-140Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 11.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Gud: Jakten: Existentiell svindel i det tjugoförsta århundradet2020Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 12.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Gud: Återkomsten: Hur religionerna kom tillbaka och vad det betyder2018Book (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Hallonsten, Olof. Modernitetens kritiska samvete: En samhällsvetenskap som gör nytta [review]2023In: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, ISSN 0039-0747, Vol. 4, p. 1190-1195Article, book review (Refereed)
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  • 14.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Hur formas frikyrklig politik?: Dissenterprotestantism mellan socialliberalism och trumpism2021In: Vänskap–Friendship / [ed] Jayne Svenungsson och Ola Sigudson, Malmö: Spricka förlag , 2021, 1Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 15.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    John Dyer, People of the Screen [Review]2023In: Church history, ISSN 0009-6407, E-ISSN 1755-2613, Vol. 92, no 4, p. 769-770Article, book review (Refereed)
  • 16.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Katolsk sociallära i svensk politik: Berättelsen om en oväntad bro2020In: Tidens tecken i Signum: Katolsk idéorientering sedan 1920 / [ed] Carl Otto Werkelid, Örebro: Libris , 2020, p. 155-176Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Kyrkohistorikern Joel Halldorf om den kristna trenden i kultursverige2022Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 18.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Kyrkorna efter pandemin: Historiska mönster, samtida utmaningar och möjliga framtidsscenarier2021In: Corona och kyrkorna / [ed] Sune Fahlgren, Elin Lockneus, Daniel Strömner, Stockholm: Libris , 2021Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 19.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Lewis flykt till USA, 19412019In: Varför reste Lewi Pethrus just till Chicago? / [ed] Jan-Åke Alvarsson, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2019Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 20.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Läsarna i distraktionernas tid: Bibel, kyrka och den digitala revolutionen2014Collection (editor) (Other academic)
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  • 21.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Med Jesus i moderniteten: Etiska, andliga och apokalyptiska modernitetsvisioner i den svenska väckelsen2017In: En annan riktning framåt: Modernitetskritik i Sverige under det långa 1800-talet / [ed] Joel Halldorf & Andreas Hedberg, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2017, 1, p. 49-76Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 22.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Mångfalden byggde Sverige2017Book (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Mångfalden byggde Sverige: Frikyrkorna i berättelsen om den moderna demokratins framväxt2023In: Ett glödande arv: Omvändelse och demokrati / [ed] Fredrik Wenell, Stockholm: Libris, 2023Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 24.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Mötet i frikyrklighet och väckelse2018In: Kristen gudstjänst: En introduktion / [ed] Stina Fallberg-Sundmark, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2018Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 25.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Om upplysningens pris och vikten av att återförtrolla världen2022Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 26.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    On Language and Detraditionalisation2022Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 27.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Pastorn som profet: När kyrkan läser sin samtid2019In: Uppdrag pastor: Teologi och praktik / [ed] Sune Fahlgren, Örebro: Votum , 2019Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 28.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Pentecostal Politics in a Secular World: The Life and Leadership of Lewi Pethrus2020Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this book, Halldorf analyzes the life and leadership of the Swedish Pentecostal leader Lewi Pethrus (1884–1974), a monumental figure in modern Scandinavian religious history, while focusing on the politics of the Swedish Pentecostal movement. In this, he engages the work of Max Weber and draws particularly on Luke Bretherton’s understanding of the concept politics as wider than merely party politics. Here, politics is determined by the understanding of the nature of the common life; the structures that sustain this common life; and the relational and communicative practices that enable a common life that includes friends, strangers, and enemies. Pentecostalism is often understood as an apolitical movement that turned to politics in the 1970s and then partnered with right-wing parties. If that account holds true for US Pentecostalism, it does not for the Swedish Pentecostal movement. Halldorf illustrates how Pethrus, the father of the movement, became politically involved as early as the 1940s and started a political party in 1964. Unlike his later American counterparts, though Pethrus was culturally conservative, he favored a progressive economic politics. The strength and vitality of Swedish Pentecostalism challenges the image of Sweden as the world’s most secular country.

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  • 29.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Politik i amerikansk evangelikalism och svensk frikyrklighet2021In: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, ISSN 0039-0747, Vol. 123, no 4, p. 717-734Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Evangelicals in the United States and Sweden are similar in terms of theology and spirituality, but differ widely in political preferences. US evangelicals have supported Donald J. Trump while Swedish evangelicals have rejected the right-wing populism of the Sweden Democrats.This article explains the development among US evangelics by comparing them to their Swedish counterparts. In the 19th century, Swedish evangelicals associated them-selves with the Liberal party, and cooperated with the Social Democrats, in a struggle for democracy against the conservative establishment. In the United States, no such alliance took place. Instead the movement was shaped by the idea that the state is an obstacle to freedom, the anti-socialist propaganda of the Cold war and eventually the culture wars. This moved evanglical voters deep into the Republican ranks.Three factors have shaped the development of these movements: The view of the state, identification as minority or majority, and political alliances and conflicts.

  • 30.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Politik och samhällsengagemang: Lewi Pethrus och drömmen om en Kristen nation2018In: Hundra år av samverkan / [ed] Johnny Jonsson, Lennat Molin, Karlstad: Votum , 2018Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 31.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Populism as existentialism: The Sweden Democrates and the longing for connection2019In: Is God a Populist? : Christianity, populism and the future of Europe / [ed] Susan Kerr, Oslo: Skaperkraft Frekk förlag , 2019Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Populismens existentiella dimensioner: Sverigedemokrater och kyrkor i den flytande moderniteten2021In: Theofilos; Tidskrift for å studere teologi, filosofi og kultur, ISSN 1893-7969, Vol. 12, no 2-3, p. 267-290Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Rightwing populism is characterized by critique of immigration, but populist parties also address existential anxieties of late or liquid modernity. I argue that regular churchgoers reject the Sweden Democrats not only because they hold different opinions on immigration, but also due to their strong social capital. The latter helps them cope with modern anxieties, and this makes them less inclined to accept the message of the populists.

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  • 33.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Religion och politik i USA2022Other (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Uppsala universitet, Kyrkohistoria.
    Review of Sidenvall, Erik. The Making of Manhood among Swedish Missionaries in China and Mongolia, c. 1890 – c. 1914.2010In: Wesleyan Theological Journal, ISSN 0092-4245, Vol. 45, no 2, p. 286-288Article, book review (Refereed)
  • 35.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Så är det inte hos er: Kyrkligt ledarskap i organisationsteoriernas värld2020Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 36.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Sök Babylons fred: Om kyrkans identitet och politiska engagemang2017Book (Other academic)
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  • 37.
    Halldorf, Joel
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Theosis i den svenska folkväckelsen2015In: Ad fontes: Festskrift till Olof Andrén på 100-årsdagen / [ed] Carl-Johan Berglund, Daniel Gustafsson, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2015, p. 167-179Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 38.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    UR Samtiden - Att växa i mötet med andra: Kyrkorna och demokratin2022Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 39.
    Halldorf, Joel
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    UR Samtiden - Hålla ut, hålla om, hålla ihop: Förändrat samtalsklimat2020Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 40.
    Halldorf, Joel
    et al.
    University College Stockholm, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Fahlgren, SuneSidenvall, ErikLunds universitet, Humanistiska och Teologiska fakulteterna, CTR.Wejryd, CeciliaUppsala universitet, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Teologiska fakulteten, Teologiska institutionen, Kyrkohistoria och missionshistoria.
    Ostädade väckelser: Modernitetens förtrupper2023Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Berättelsen om hur det moderna Sverige växte fram har länge varit förenklad. Övergången från ett förmodernt, patriarkalt samhälle till ett modernt och demokratiskt beskrivs gärna som medelklassens och centralmaktens förtjänst. Men något som ofta har utelämnats är de religiösa väckelsernas bidrag särskilt de extatiska och mer provocerande rörelserna.

    I denna antologi ger fjorton forskare från olika discipliner exempel på hur gränsöverskridande väckelser har bidragit till den svenska moderniseringsprocessen. Här möter vi kvinnliga frälsningsofficerare, trosvissa missionärer, kyrkolojala hoofianer, entreprenöriella baptister, självreflekterande herrnhutare, extatiska pingstvänner och visionära Nås-bönder på väg till Jerusalem. Vi får bekanta oss med en rad andliga rörelser som utmanade de gamla samhällsformerna och banade väg för nya sätt att leva och ta sig an tidens frågor.

    Ostädade väckelser breddar och fördjupar förståelsen av den svenska historien och vårt moderna samhälle.

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  • 41.
    Halldorf, Joel
    et al.
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Hedberg, AndreasLitteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
    En annan riktning framåt: Modernitetskritik i Sverige under det långa 1800-talet2017Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 42.
    Halldorf, Joel
    et al.
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Ideström, JonasUniversity College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Med Gud och hans vänskap: på spaning efter kyrkan i praktiken, historien och framtiden : festskrift till Sune Fahlgren2022Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Halldorf, Joel
    et al.
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Svensson, Isak
    Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning.
    Bitte Hammargran, Bitte
    Sofia Walan, Sofia
    Ickevåldets vägar: Fred i terrorns tid2016Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 44.
    Halldorf, Joel
    et al.
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    Vingren, Ellen
    University College Stockholm, Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Religious Studies and Theology.
    En kyrka som låter, en forskare som lyssnar: Etnografi, hermeneutik och intervjun som teologisk motståndshandling2021In: Barmhärtighetens gemenskap / [ed] Maria Ledstam, Bengt Rasmusson, Carl-Magnus Carlstein, Malmö: Spricka förlag , 2021, 1Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 45.
    Halldorf, Joel
    et al.
    Stockholm School of Theology, Department of Theology.
    Wenell, Fredrik
    Between the State and the Eucharist: Free Church Theology in Conversation with William T. Cavanaugh2014Collection (editor) (Other academic)
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