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Maxantalet träffar du kan exportera från sökgränssnittet är 250. Vid större uttag använd dig av utsökningar.
  • 1.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    1.1.10 The Arabic Canon2020Inngår i: The Textual History of the Bible: 2A / [ed] Frank Feder, Matthias Henze, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2020, s. 280-298Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 2.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    1.2.12 Arabic Texts2020Inngår i: The Textual History of the Bible: 2A / [ed] Frank Feder, Matthias Henze, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2020, s. 483-495Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 3.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    A Paleographical Study of Early Christian Arabic Manuscripts2020Inngår i: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia, ISSN 1697-2104, E-ISSN 2386-7442, Vol. 17, s. 37-77Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The present paper presents an overview of the types of writing that were used by Christian Arabic scribes during the long ninth century. It categories them into three groups consisting of several subcategories and discusses the traits of such categories. It further aims at collecting extant shelf marks of early Christian Arabic manuscripts and research relating to these findings, add to the search for disjecta membra, and contribute to our knowledge of individual scribes and scribal activity in the early Christian Arabic manuscript production.

  • 4.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    A Very Modern Mediaeval Project: Text criticism and Jewish-Christian Interaction in a Coptic Psalter2022Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 5.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Arabic, Wisdom of Solomon2019Inngår i: The textual History of the Bible: vol. 2c / [ed] Frank Feder and Matthias Henze, Brill Academic Publishers, 2019, s. 530-534Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 6.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Biblical Theology, Scholarly Approaches, and the Bible in Arabic2022Inngår i: Narratives on Transla-tion across Eurasia and Africa: From Babylonia to Colonial India / [ed] Sonja Brentjes, Jens Hoyrup & Bruce R. O'Brien, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, s. 135-156Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 7.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Blessed Is the One Who Kills Infants: “The Other” in Eastern Christian Reception of Psalm 1371924Inngår i: Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions / [ed] Mirjam Lindgren Hjälm and Marzena Zawanowska, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 1924, s. 15-39Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 8.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Christian Arabic Bible Translations in the British Library Collections2020Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Description of Christian Arabic Bible translations held at the British Library

  • 9.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Christian Bibles in Muslim Robes with Jewish Glosses: Arundel Or.15 and other Medieval Coptic Arabic Bible Translations at the British Library2022Annet (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
  • 10.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Early Arabic Psalm Manuscripts at Sinai, their Scribesand their Readers2022Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 11.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    From Palestine to Damascus to Berlin: Early Christian Arabic texts from the Qubbat al-khazna in the Violet collection2020Inngår i: The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents / [ed] Arianna D’Ottone Rambach, Konrad Hirschler, Ronny Vollandt, Beirut: Ergon-Verlag, 2020, s. 245-264Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 12.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Lost and Found: Christian Arabic Membra Disjecta in the Mingana Collection2022Inngår i: Lost and Bound: ReconstructionTechniques in Fragmentary Manuscripts of the Jewish and Christian Tradition / [ed] Israel Muñoz Gallarte & Marzena Zawanowska, Madrid: Editorial Sindéresis, 2022Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 13.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Lost and Found: Christian Arabic Membra Disjecta in the Mingana Collection2022Inngår i: Lost and Bound: Reconstruction Techniques in Fragmentary Manuscripts of the Jewish and Christian Tradition / [ed] Israel Muñoz Gallarte & Marzena Zawanowska, Madrid, 2022, s. 125-148Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 14.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Ortodox bibelsyn och bibelbruk2022Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 15.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Patristic Exegesis in the Arab World2022Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 16.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Pedagogiska stötestenar: Om att navigera i Bibelns värld med kyrkofäderna som lärare2022Inngår i: Pilgrim, ISSN 1400-0830, Vol. 29, nr 3, s. 24-29Artikkel i tidsskrift (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 17.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Psalms to Reason, Psalms to Heal.: The Scriptures in Early Rūm Orthodox Treatises2021Inngår i: The Character of David in Judaism, Christianity and Islam:: Warrior, Poet, Prophet and King / [ed] Marzena Zawanowska and Mateusz Wilk, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2021, s. 239-272Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The paper examines different approaches to Scripture in general, and exegetical uses of the Book of Psalms in particular, in early Rūm Orthodox (Melkite) texts. It singles out general statements relating to Scripture and explains them both in terms of reception of the Patristic heritage and as a message delivered to an audience in a specific context. It also discusses the authors’ conception of the Hebrew text of the Bible. Finally, the paper investigates the uses of the Psalms’ quotations in the analyzed texts, often used to prove Christian doctrines as expressed in the New Testament.

  • 18.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier. Stiftelsen Sankt Ignatios .
    Qur’ānic Intertextuality in Early Christian Arabic Bible Translations2023Inngår i: The Bible Translator, ISSN 2051-6770, Vol. 74, nr 3, s. 313-330Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper provides a number of cases where early Christian Arabic Bible translators resorted to qur’ānic-sounding language and (later) also a qur’ānic aesthetic in their production of biblical codices. The main purpose of the paper is to discuss various reasons as to why they went so far into the “realm of the other” when producing these translations. The answer to that question is most likely connected to the little-known function of these Bible translations, a topic also addressed in the paper. The adoption of qur’ānic language results in a comparatively high level of intertextuality and the use of codicological features associated with Mamluk Qur’āns also tend to blur religious borders. Thus, the paper also explores the possibility to view a portion of the Christian Arabic Bible endeavour as part of the broader process of “religious co-production.”

  • 19.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier. Stiftelsen Sankt Ignatios.
    [Review of] Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Texts, Manuscripts, and their Readers. Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 20. Red. Reinhart Ceulemans och Barbara Crostini,2022Inngår i: Signum : katolsk orientering om kyrka, kultur, samhälle, ISSN 0347-0423, Vol. 6, s. 56-58Artikkel, omtale (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 20.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Scriptures beyond Words: 'Islamic' Vocabulary in Early Christian Arabic Bible Translations2018Inngår i: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia, ISSN 1697-2104, E-ISSN 2386-7442, Vol. 15, s. 49-69Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This article discusses the use of “Islamic” vocabulary in Christian Arabic Bible translations composed around the 9th century. It suggests that there is a link between such use and the translation’s Vorlage dependence, function, and the general translation technique attested in it. The article further proposes that a function of translations containing a notable and seemingly deliberate use of Islamic-sounding vocabulary was to show that the Christian Scriptures were able to absorb the message of Islam, just like early Christian Arabic theologians promulgated the idea that Christian dogmas permeated the Qurʾān. Thus, instead of shielding their Scriptures from a competing religion by dressing them in a more neutral linguistic register, these translators and authors presented a Christianity essentially elevated beyond words and contexts and therefore portrayable in any of them.

  • 21.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Ständigt omskriven, alltid relevant: Josef och Potifarshustru i kalifens rättssal2022Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 22.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier. Teologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
    The Christian Arabic Book of Daniel: Extant versions, canonical constellations, and relation to the liturgical practice, with an Appendix of 'The Song of the Three Young Men'2015Inngår i: Collectanea Christiana Orientalia, ISSN 1697-2104, E-ISSN 2386-7442, Vol. 12, s. 115-178Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this article is to demonstratethe dynamic nature of the Christian Arabic Book of Daniel. I will present extant versions, discuss their variegated canonical constellations, show the fluidity of text units in the various versions and describe how they have even come to absorb liturgical practice. Special attention will be paid to the deuterocanonical narratives related to the Book of Daniel that have almost completely escaped scholarly scrutiny. The fluctuating and vivid character of Arabic Bible translations is particularly evident in the rendition of Daniel, yet in many aspects these findings are characteristic of the Arabic Bible enterprise at large. Arabic translations appear to have functioned alongside texts in the established liturgical languages which continued to serve as the measuring standard of the biblical narrative. Thus, the value of the Arabic Bible renditions lies foremost in their ability to capture a less formalized, spontaneous, and uninhibited practice and understanding of the religious heritage.

  • 23.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    The Four Kingdom Schema and the Seventy Weeks in the Arabic Reception of Daniel2020Inngår i: Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel / [ed] Andrew Perrin, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2020, s. 251-274Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 24.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    The Qurʾānic Subtext of Early Arabic Bible Translations2019Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Christian Arabic translations reflecting Islamic vocabulary 

  • 25.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Tidiga arabiska bibelöversättningar: Interreligiös interaktion, bibelsyn och meningsskapande2021Inngår i: Segl, ISSN 1893-8728, s. 157-166Artikkel i tidsskrift (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
  • 26.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Transposed and Thriving: Bible Reception in the Prophetologion: With the Addition of an Early Arabic Witness (Sinai Arabic 588) in the Appendix2022Inngår i: Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity. Essays in Honour of Anders Ekenberg’s 75th Birthday / [ed] Barbara Crostini, Carl-Johan Berglund & James Kelhoffer, Leiden: Brill , 2022, s. 435-463Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 27.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Universal Wisdom in Defence of the Particular2022Annet (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 28.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Universal Wisdom in Defense of the Particular: Medieval Christian and Jewish Usage of Biblical Wisdom in Arabic Bible Exegesis2020Inngår i: Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation: Essays in Honor of Samuel Rubenson / [ed] Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Thomas Arentzen, Henrik Rydell Johnsén and Andreas Westergren, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2020, s. 224-246Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 29.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    et al.
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier. Stiftelsen Sankt Ignatios.
    Bitton-Ashkelony, BrouriaHebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Comparative Religion.Kitchen, Robert A.
    The Third Lung: New Trajectories in Syriac Studies: : Essays in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock2023Konferanseproceedings (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    No one mentions Syriac, – a dialect of the Aramaic language Jesus spoke –, without referring to Sebastian P. Brock, the Oxford scholar and teacher who has written and taught about everything Syriac, even reorienting the field as The Third Lung of early Christianity (along with Greek and Latin). In 2018, Syriac scholars world-wide gathered in Sigtuna, Sweden, to celebrate with Sebastian his accomplishments and share new directions. Through essays showing what Syriac studies have attained, where they are going, as well as some arenas and connections previously not imagined, flavors of the fruits of laboring in the field are offered. 

    Contributors to this volume are: Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Shraga Bick, Briouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Alberto Camplani, Thomas A. Carlson, Jeff W. Childers, Muriel Debié, Terry Falla, George A. Kiraz, Sergey Minov, Craig E. Morrison, István Perczel, Anton Pritula, Ilaria Ramelli, Christine Shepardson, Stephen J. Shoemaker, Herman G.B. Teule, Kathleen E. McVey.

  • 30.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    et al.
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Polliack, Meira
    Tel Aviv University.
    1.5 Arabic Texts2022Inngår i: The Textual History of the Bible: vol. 3: A Companion to Textual Criticism / [ed] Armin Lange, Matthias Henze, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2022Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 31.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    et al.
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier. Stiftelsen Sankt Ignatios.
    Tarras, Peter
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten.
    Early Christian Arabic Colophons from the Palestinian Monasteries: A Comparative Analysis2023Inngår i: Literary Snippets: Colophons Across Space and Time / [ed] George Kiraz and Sabine Schmidtke, Piscataway: Gorgias Press LLC , 2023, s. 119-168Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The present study offers a comparative analysis of colophons written in Arabic by Christian scribes at the monasteries of Saint Chariton, Saint Sabas, and Saint Catherine in the ninth and tenth centuries CE. These monasteries have played a crucial role in the formation of the early Christian Arabic manuscript tradition. The colophons of these manu-scripts provide the most immediate access to the socio-cultural milieu of their producers. The present study is based on a selection of 20 colo-phons, which are explicitly connected to one of the three monasteries. Our main aim is to draft a typology of early Christian Arabic colophons as a means to investigate the various issues surrounding emergent Chris-tian Arabic scribality. Additionally, we will discuss paleographical fea-tures of the handwriting of the scribes who authored the colophons dis-cussed here. As we will show, these can be used to connect anonymous colophons and manuscripts without colophons, at least with some prob-ability, to the workshops of these monasteries. Overall, our aim is to highlight the microhistorical significance of early Christian Arabic colo-phons, which not only offer spatio-temporal, prosopographical, social, intellectual, and, to some extent, economic coordinates for the contex-tualisation of early Christian Arabic manuscript production, but also al-low us to catch a glimpse of early Christian Arabic scribal self-perception. 

  • 32.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    et al.
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Tarras, Peter
    Early Christian Arabic Colophons from the Palestinian Monasteries:: Edition with Translation and Commentary2023Inngår i: Literary Snippets: A Colophon Reader / [ed] George Anton Kiraz and Sabine Schmidtke, Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2023, s. 119-168Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The present study offers a comparative analysis of colophons written in Arabic by Christian scribes at the monasteries of Saint Chariton, Saint Sabas, and Saint Catherine in the ninth and tenth centuries CE. These monasteries have played a crucial role in the formation of the early Christian Arabic manuscript tradition. The colophons of these manu- scripts provide the most immediate access to the socio-cultural milieu of their producers. The present study is based on a selection of 20 colo- phons, which are explicitly connected to one of the three monasteries. Our main aim is to draft a typology of early Christian Arabic colophons as a means to investigate the various issues surrounding emergent Chris- tian Arabic scribality. Additionally, we will discuss paleographical fea- tures of the handwriting of the scribes who authored the colophons dis- cussed here. As we will show, these can be used to connect anonymous colophons and manuscripts without colophons, at least with some prob- ability, to the workshops of these monasteries. Overall, our aim is to highlight the microhistorical significance of early Christian Arabic colo- phons, which not only offer spatio-temporal, prosopographical, social, intellectual, and, to some extent, economic coordinates for the contex- tualisation of early Christian Arabic manuscript production, but also al- low us to catch a glimpse of early Christian Arabic scribal self- perception.

  • 33.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    et al.
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Zawanowska, MarzenaUniversity of Warsaw.
    Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions1924Collection/Antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This volume explores the ways in which representatives of different monotheistic traditions experienced themselves as “the other” or were perceived and described as such by their contemporaries. This central category – which includes not only those of different religions, but also converts, foreigners, sectarians, and women – is studied from various perspectives in a range of texts composed by Jewish, Christian, and Muslim authors during late antique and mediaeval times. Conceptualizations of such “others” are often intrinsically related to the idea of exile, another important category that is analysed in this work.

  • 34.
    Lindgren Hjälm, Miriam
    et al.
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för östkyrkliga studier.
    Zawanowska, Marzena
    University of Warsaw.
    Strangers in the Land Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions in Late Antique and Mediaeval Times:: an Introduction1924Inngår i: Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions / [ed] Miriam Lindgren Hjälm and Marzena Zawanowska, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 1924, s. 1-12Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 35.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Allt har sin tid: Kyrkornas omställning till det digitala rummet i samband med coronapandemin2021Inngår i: Corona och kyrkorna: Lärdomar, digitala möten och beredskap för nästa kris / [ed] Sune Fahlgren, Elin Lockneus och Daniel Strömner, Stockholm: Libris, 2021, s. 107-132Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 36.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Att öppna ett slutet rum: Recension2019Inngår i: Årsbok för Svenskt gudstjänstliv, ISSN 0289-9133, Vol. 94, s. 209-212Artikkel, omtale (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 37.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Back to the Roots or Growing New Branches: Preaching, Orality and Mission in a Digital Age2020Inngår i: Missio Dei in a Digital Age / [ed] Jonas Kurlberg och Peter M. Phillips, London: SCM Press, 2020, s. 195-220Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 38.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Co-Preaching: The Effects of Religious Digital Creatives’ Engagement in the Preaching Event2022Inngår i: Religions, E-ISSN 2077-1444, Vol. 13, nr 12, s. 1135-1135Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The preaching event is a complex process of communication and interpretation. The aim of this study is to describe and discuss how the preaching event is affected when it is digitally mediated and involves so-called “religious digital creatives” (RDCs). This is achieved through a case study of the preaching event at two Church of Sweden (CoS) congregations that offered pre-recorded, digitally mediated worship services. The research questions guiding the study were: “When and how do the RDCs engage in the preaching event?” and “How can the effects of this engagement be understood in the light of homiletical theory drawing on the works of Mikhail Bakhtin?” The study found that RDCs engaged in the verbalization phase of the preaching event in several ways—including visualization, direction, editing, enhancement, and contextualization of the sermon—and thus contributed significantly to the preaching event. Furthermore, the RDCs exhibited notable relational authority—an authority based on negotiation, interdependence, and interaction. Employing homiletical theory that draws on Mikhail Bakhtin’s work, I argue that the RDCs in this case study are best understood as co-preachers who contribute to expanding the polyphony of the preaching event.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 39.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Co-preaching: The Practice of Preaching in Digital Culture and Spaces2023Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The purposes of this article-based thesis are to explore and understand preaching as a practice in general,and the practice of preaching in digital culture and spaces in particular. Informed by the practicetheory of Theodore Schatzki, it presents the results of a cross-case analysis of four di!erent case studiesof the practice of preaching in digital culture and spaces in Swedish protestant churches. Based on theanalysis, I argue that the deep relationality of the practice of preaching involves not just humans andtexts but also material arrangements and that this feature often is ampli"ed in digital culture and spaces.While there were examples of a decrease, overall, there was an increase in interaction, negotiation, andinterdependency. In light of this, I contend that the practice of preaching in digital culture and spacesis characterized by co-preaching. Moreover, I argue that some of the implications of co-preaching arethe enabling and encouragement of dialogue, imagination, and the priestly function of the priesthoodof all believers, but also an increased vulnerability for the co-preachers involved.

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  • 40.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Ensamhetens paradox2021Inngår i: Den ensamma människans tidsålder / [ed] Mikael Kurkiala, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2021, Vol. 6, s. 69-78Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
  • 41.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    From the Amphitheatre to Twitter: Cultivating Secondary Orality in Dialogue with Female Preachers2022Inngår i: Studies in World Christianity, ISSN 1354-9901, E-ISSN 1750-0230, ISSN 1354-9901, Vol. 28, nr 1, s. 6-27Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Ever since the theory of orality and literacy was introduced, it has provided scholars with a deeper understanding of the intertwined nature of culture and communication, as well as an appreciated tool for analysis. This is true also for the field of World Christianity. As the era of digital media emerged, the theory was developed as a tool to interpret digital culture as a ‘secondary orality’. This article critiques and cultivates this theory, by showing how the analytical tool of orality, literacy and secondary orality might be sharpened. This is done in dialogue with the practice of female preachers. Preaching thus serves as an example for a wider discussion on the development of the theory. The sharpening of the tool is done through letting the complexity of practices inform the theory. Through historical case studies of three strategically chosen female preachers, four questions are identified that would be important to consider when the theory and its developments are used in analysis: genre of communication, the categories of body and space, and how authority is construed. Finally, the cultivated theory is applied in the analysis of a female preacher in a digital culture and space.

  • 42.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Från flugan på väggen till elefanten i rummet: Digitalt förmedlat nattvardsfirande i svenska protestantiska kyrkor under 20202021Inngår i: Corona och kyrkorna: Lärdomar, digitala möten och beredskap för nästa kris / [ed] Sune Fahlgren, Elin Lockneus och Daniel Strömner, Stockholm: Libris, 2021, s. 202-226Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 43.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Får prästen fly pesten?: Luthersk teologi före, under och efter pandemin2022Inngår i: För världens skull: En festskrift till ärkebiskop Antje Jackelén / [ed] Christina Grenholm, Karin Sarja och Jakob Wirén, Stockholm: Verbum Forlag, 2022, s. 235-250Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
  • 44.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Homiletics: Principles and Patterns of Reasoning2021Inngår i: Årsbok för Svenskt gudstjänstliv, ISSN 0289-9133, Vol. 96, s. 267-271Artikkel, omtale (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 45.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Listening to Listeners in a Digital Culture: The Practice of Listening to Digitally-Mediated Sermons2023Inngår i: Homiletic: The Journal of the Academy of Homiletics, ISSN 0738-0534, Vol. 48, nr 1, s. 16-31Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

     This study examines digitally-mediated sermon listening practices by interviewing twenty-nine listeners from Swedish Protestant congregations. The analysis draws on Theodore Schatzki’s practice theory, focusing on the entanglement of human activity, material arrangements surrounding the preaching event, and the ends of practices—including how changes to any or all of the above impact the practice in question. The study found that listeners strove to uphold the listening practices they were accustomed to from their respective churchesand attempted to carry these over into the digitally-mediated preaching event. To a large extent,they succeeded in opening and managing a “third room of preaching.” Furthermore, the studyhighlighted the importance of knowing the ends of these listening practices. The study alsodemonstrated the significance of material arrangements and how changes in these arrangementssometimes led to the obstruction—or even breakdown—of listening practices. However, changesin material arrangements also inspired new practices—pointing to the need to rethink listeningpractices that are merely borrowed from in-church services.  

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  • 46.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Människa och kristen 3.0: Teologisk ontologi för en digital kultur och det digitala rummet2021Inngår i: Människa och kristen idag: SKapelseteologiska perspektiv på samtiden / [ed] Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg och Frida Mannerfelt, Stockholm: Verbum , 2021Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 47.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Människa och kristen idag: Skapelseteologiska perspektiv på samtiden2021Collection/Antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 48.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Nattvard 3.0: Digitalt förmedlad nattvard i ett lutherskt perspektiv2023Inngår i: Som spridda sädeskornen: Perspektiv på nattvardens levda teologi / [ed] Teresia Derlén och Frida Mannerfelt, Stockholm: Verbum , 2023, s. 225-258Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
  • 49.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Nutiden formades då: Utvecklingslinjer i homiletisk och praktisk-teologisk forskning2022Inngår i: Med Gud och hans vänskap: På spaning efter kyrkan i praktiken, historien och framtiden: festskrift till Sune Fahlgren / [ed] Joel Halldorf och Jonas Ideström, Stockholm: Libris, 2022, s. 83-97-Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 50.
    Mannerfelt, Frida
    Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm, Teologiska högskolan Stockholm, Avdelningen för religionsvetenskap och teologi.
    Old and New Habits: The Transition to Digitally-Mediated Worship in Four Swedish Free Church Denominations during COVID-192022Inngår i: Svensk frikyrklighet i pandemin: En studie an församlingen i corona och corona i församlingen / [ed] Ulrik Josefsson och Magnus Wahlström, Jönköping: Institutet för Pentekostala Studier , 2022, s. 90-119Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Fagfellevurdert)
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